Name of qualification Špediter/špediterkaAdd to comparison [1]
Translated title (no legal status) Forwarding agent
Type of qualification Nacionalna poklicna kvalifikacija, SOK raven 5
Category of qualification Poklicna kvalifikacija
Admission requirements
  • Education at least at SOK 4 level.
ISCED field Field
Transport, varnost, gostinstvo in turizem, osebne storitve
ISCED subfield subfield transport
Qualification level


Learning outcomes

The candidate is able to:

  • obtain, analyze and use work documentation and other necessary information for the organization and planning of one's own work
  • collect documentation for the customs procedure and advise clients on the correct customs procedure in accordance with the applicable customs legislation
  • accept the disposition and carry out the customs procedure in accordance with the customer's instructions
  • check the received disposition and file a customs declaration using a computer program for electronic data exchange with the customs administration
  • check the correctness of completed customs documentation, fill out forms on origin, calculate customs duties and resolve complaints, fill out transport documents and take out transport insurance
  • make pre-calculations of customs procedures and customs duties and transport services
  • advise clients on obtaining import-export permits, transport of goods, conclusion of contracts for cargo insurance during transport and delivery conditions of international transport clauses
  • organize and monitor the transport of goods in accordance with the client's requirements, taking into account the applicable legislation in the field of transport
  • monitor and comply with applicable legislation in the field of customs brokerage and international exchange of goods in their work, and maintain a respectful attitude towards customers and customs and other inspection authorities


Verification and assessment are carried out by committees for the verification and validation of national vocational qualifications, appointed by the National Examination Centre (NEC). Committee members must be licensed by the National Examination Centre. Licences may be found here [2].

Assessment and completion


During the guidance process the candidate prepares a portfolio, which is assessed by a committee. If the portfolio submitted by the candidate contains authentic, valid and adequate proof of the knowledge, skills and competences defined in the occupational standard, the committee may:

  • validate the contents of the occupational standard in full,
  • validate the contents of the occupational standard in part and define the knowledge, skills and competence to be verified,
  • refuse to validate any of the contents of the occupational standard because the candidate has not provided proof of any of the knowledge, skills and competences defined in the occupational standard, in which case it will verify the occupational standard in full.


Practical verification with an oral presentation.

Condition for obtaining certificate

Candidates demonstrate attainment of the knowledge, skills and competences defined in the catalogue of standards of vocational knowledge and skills.

Awarding body

Providers of procedures for identifying and validating national vocational qualifications are entered in a register of providers maintained in the relevant database of the National Reference Point for Occupational Qualifications. Providers include: vocational schools, companies, inter-company training centres, adult education centres, chambers of commerce, etc.