Special entry conditions

  • At least six months of practical experience in carrying out various works in the production of construction elements or loam products, which the candidate proves with a formal certificate from the competent organization that was responsible for the implementation of the activity or
  • at least one year of practical experience in the construction of buildings, which the candidate proves with a formal certificate from the competent organization that was responsible for the implementation of the activity.

It is currently not possible to obtain an NVQ for this catalogue. We suggest that you check the list from time to time in case of any new developments.

Special entry conditions

Providers and folder review dates

Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije Center za poslovno usposabljanje
Kardeljeva ploščad 27a, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 58 97 650
Inquire about deadlines
Šolski center Kranj
Kidričeva cesta 55, 4000 KRANJ
04 280 40 00
Inquire about deadlines
Šolski center Novo mesto, Srednja gradbena in lesarska šola
Šegova ul. 112, 8000 NOVO MESTO
07 3932100
Inquire about deadlines
Srednja gradbena šola in gimnazija Maribor
Smetanova ul. 35, 2000 MARIBOR
02 23 50 600
Inquire about deadlines
Srednja šola za gradbeništvo in varovanje okolja
Pot na Lavo 22, 3000 CELJE
03 428 58 28
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.