Special entry conditions

  • Certificate from a beekeeping society or master beekeeper proving that the candidate has kept bees under mentorship for three years with at least five bee colonies.

Providers and folder review dates

Biotehniški center Naklo
Strahinj 99, 4202 NAKLO
04 2772120, 04 2112100
Portfolio overview: 20.5.2025 8h
Grm Novo mesto-center biotehnike in turizma
Sevno 13, 8000 NOVO MESTO
07 39 34 734 051 669 118
Portfolio overview: 26.5.2025 7h
Biotehniška šola
Ulica padlih borcev 26, 5290 ŠEMPETER PRI GORICI
Inquire about deadlines
Biotehniška šola Maribor
Vrbanska cesta 30, 2000 MARIBOR
02 23 53 700
Inquire about deadlines
Biotehniška šola Rakičan
Lendavska ulica 3, 9000 MURSKA SOBOTA
02 530 37 50
Inquire about deadlines
Čebelarska zveza Slovenije
Brdo pri Lukovici 8, 1225 LUKOVICA
01 7296100
Inquire about deadlines
Šola za ekonomijo, turizem in kmetijstvo
Volkmerjeva cesta 19, 2250 PTUJ
02 787 17 00
Inquire about deadlines
Srednja poklicna in strokovna šola
Cesta na kmetijsko šolo 9, 3230 ŠENTJUR
03 746 29 00
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.