Special entry conditions

  • One year’s work experience in the field of fashion styling,
  • a CV with proof of experience in the field of fashion styling,
  • project assignment in the form of a portfolio in printed and digital form containing: summary, introduction, theoretical part, practical/experimental part, conclusion, references.

Providers and folder review dates

Andragoški zavod Maribor-Ljudska univerza
Maistrova ulica 5, 2000 MARIBOR
02 2341 111
Portfolio overview: 26.3.2025 10h
Društvo vseživljenjsko učenje
Pševo 11A, 4000 KRANJ
041 639 407
Inquire about deadlines
Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije Center za poslovno usposabljanje
Kardeljeva ploščad 27a, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 58 97 650
Inquire about deadlines
Obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Slovenije
Celovška cesta 71, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 5830 500
Inquire about deadlines
Srednja šola Muta
Koroška cesta 53, 2366 MUTA
Inquire about deadlines
Srednja šola Slovenj Gradec in Muta
Koroška ulica 11, 2380 SLOVENJ GRADEC
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.