Special entry conditions

  • There are no special conditions.

It is currently not possible to obtain an NVQ for this catalogue. We suggest that you check the list from time to time in case of any new developments.

Special entry conditions

There are no entry conditions.

Providers and folder review dates

Zavod Marianum Veržej
Puščenjakova ulica 1, 9241 VERŽEJ
02 5889 060
Inquire about deadlines
Mala Polana 103, 9225 VELIKA POLANA
02 5737 036
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Completed elementary education,
  • candidates will prepare in advance a portfolio of bobbin lace containing examples of cloth stitch, half-stitch, divided cloth stitch, double stitch, Idrija narrow tape lace, plaits, tallies, crossings and combinations of stitches, loops, and specific forms and designs as set out in detail in the Slovene description of this qualification.

Providers and folder review dates

Gimnazija Jurija Vega Idrija
Študentovska 16, 5280 IDRIJA
05 3726 800
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Completed secondary vocational education in the “Bricklayer” progamme or a pass in the master craftsman examination in bricklaying; or at least completed secondary vocational education including the technical part of the final examination (product with oral presentation) for the vocational qualification “Bricklayer” (Zidar/zidarka) and
  • three years’ work experience, demonstrated by proof of works carried out in the bricklaying field, and
  • proof of at least three interventions in architectural heritage properties completed and documented in accordance with the occupational standard that forms part of this catalogue and approved by a restorer who has passed the professional examination in the protection of cultural heritage.

Providers and folder review dates

Srednja gradbena, geodetska in okoljevarstvena šola Ljubljana
Dunajska cesta 102, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 5600 404
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Completed secondary vocational education in the “Carpenter” progamme or a pass in the master craftsman examination in carpentry; or at least completed secondary vocational education including the technical part of the final examination (product with oral presentation) for the vocational qualification “Carpenter” (Tesar/tesarka) and
  • three years’ work experience, demonstrated by proof of works carried out in the carpentry field, and
  • proof of at least three interventions in architectural heritage properties completed and documented in accordance with the occupational standard that forms part of this catalogue and approved by a restorer who has passed the professional examination in the protection of cultural heritage.

Providers and folder review dates

Srednja gradbena, geodetska in okoljevarstvena šola Ljubljana
Dunajska cesta 102, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 5600 404
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • There are no special conditions.

Providers and folder review dates

Turistično društvo Kanja Trzin
Ljubljanska cesta 12f, 1236 TRZIN
031 668 615
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Completed elementary education.

Providers and folder review dates

Strokovni izobraževalni center Ljubljana
Ptujska 6, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 280 53 00
Portfolio overview: 28.5.2025 13h

Special entry conditions

  • There are no special conditions.

Providers and folder review dates

Pletovarje 34A, 3222 DRAMLJE
051 378 314
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • There are no special conditions.

Providers and folder review dates

Biotehniški izobraževalni center Ljubljana
Ižanska cesta 10, 1000 LJUBLJANA
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • There are no special conditions.

It is currently not possible to obtain an NVQ for this catalogue. We suggest that you check the list from time to time in case of any new developments.

Special entry conditions

  • At least a secondary vocational qualification,
  • knowledge and skills covering the basics of technical drawing and the basics of shaping materials at the secondary vocational education level.

Providers and folder review dates

Obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Slovenije
Celovška cesta 71, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 5830 500
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Completed secondary vocational education in the “Joiner” progamme or a pass in the master craftsman examination in joinery; or at least completed secondary vocational education including the technical part of the final examination (product with oral presentation) for the vocational qualification “Joiner” (Mizar/mizarka) and
  • three years’ work experience, demonstrated by proof of works carried out in the joinery field, and
  • proof of at least three interventions completed and documented in accordance with the occupational standard that forms part of this catalogue, in relevant restoration subjects, and approved by a restorer who has passed the professional examination in the protection of cultural heritage.

Providers and folder review dates

Šolski center Slovenske Konjice-Zreče
Tattenbachova ulica 2a, 3210 SLOVENSKE KONJICE
Inquire about deadlines
Srednja šola za lesarstvo
Podlubnik 1B, 4220 ŠKOFJA LOKA
04 506 2300
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • There are no special conditions.

Providers and folder review dates

Strokovni izobraževalni center Ljubljana
Ptujska 6, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 280 53 00
Portfolio overview: 27.5.2025 13h

Special entry conditions

Special conditions that must be met by the person who wishes to tender vocational qualification:

  • complete secondary vocational education under the “Painter-decorator/sign painter” programme or a pass in the master craftsman examination in painting-decorating/sign painting, or at least completed secondary vocational education including the technical part of the final examination (product with oral presentation) for the vocational qualification Painter-decorator/sign painter (Slikopleskar-črkoslikar/slikopleskarka-črkoslikarska) and
  • three years’ work experience, demonstrated by proof of works carried out in the field of painting-decorationg/sign painting, and
  • proof of at least three interventions in architectural heritage properties completed and documented in accordance with the occupational standard that forms part of this catalogue and approved by a restorer who has passed the professional examination in the protection of cultural heritage.

Providers and folder review dates

Srednja gradbena šola in gimnazija Maribor
Smetanova ul. 35, 2000 MARIBOR
02 23 50 600
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • There are no entry conditions.

Providers and folder review dates

Zavod Marianum Veržej
Puščenjakova ulica 1, 9241 VERŽEJ
02 5889 060
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Completed secondary vocational education in the “Roofer/sheet metal worker” progamme or a pass in the master craftsman examination in roofing; or at least completed secondary vocational education including the technical part of the final examination (product with oral presentation) for the vocational qualification “Roofer/sheet metal worker” (Krovec-klepar/krovka-kleparka) and
  • three years’ work experience, demonstrated by proof of works carried out in the roofing and sheet metal field, and
  • proof of at least three different interventions in architectural heritage properties completed and documented in accordance with the occupational standard that forms part of this catalogue and approved by a restorer who has passed the professional examination in the protection of cultural heritage.

It is currently not possible to obtain an NVQ for this catalogue. We suggest that you check the list from time to time in case of any new developments.

Special entry conditions

Three years’ work experience, demonstrated by proof of works carried out in the field of covering roofs with shingles or boards.

It is currently not possible to obtain an NVQ for this catalogue. We suggest that you check the list from time to time in case of any new developments.

Special entry conditions

  • Completed secondary vocational education in the “Stonemason” progamme or a pass in the master craftsman examination in stonemasonry; or at least completed secondary vocational education including the technical part of the final examination (product with oral presentation) for the vocational qualification “Stonemason” (Kamnosek/kamnosekinja) and
  • three years’ work experience, demonstrated by proof of works carried out in the stonemasonry field, and
  • proof of at least three different interventions in architectural heritage properties completed and documented in accordance with the occupational standard that forms part of this catalogue and approved by a restorer who has passed the professional examination in the protection of cultural heritage.

Providers and folder review dates

Srednja gradbena, geodetska in okoljevarstvena šola Ljubljana
Dunajska cesta 102, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 5600 404
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Completed secondary vocational education in the “Stove maker – ceramic tile layer” progamme or a pass in the master craftsman examination in stovemaking; or at least completed secondary vocational education including the technical part of the final examination (product with oral presentation) for the vocational qualification “Stovemaker – ceramic tile layer (Pečar – polagalec keramičnih oblog/pečarka – polagalka keramičnih oblog) and
  • three years’ work experience, demonstrated by proof of works carried out in the stovemaking and ceramic tile laying field, and
  • proof of at least three interventions in architectural heritage properties completed and documented in accordance with the occupational standard that forms part of this catalogue and approved by a restorer who has passed the professional examination in the protection of cultural heritage.

Providers and folder review dates

Srednja gradbena, geodetska in okoljevarstvena šola Ljubljana
Dunajska cesta 102, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 5600 404
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • There are no special conditions.

It is currently not possible to obtain an NVQ for this catalogue. We suggest that you check the list from time to time in case of any new developments.

Special entry conditions

There are no entry conditions.

Providers and folder review dates

Območna obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Ribnica
Vrvarska pot 3, 1310 RIBNICA
01 8369 340
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

There are no entry conditions.

Providers and folder review dates

Območna obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Ribnica
Vrvarska pot 3, 1310 RIBNICA
01 8369 340
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

There are no entry conditions.

Providers and folder review dates

Območna obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Ribnica
Vrvarska pot 3, 1310 RIBNICA
01 8369 340
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

There are no entry conditions.

Providers and folder review dates

Območna obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Ribnica
Vrvarska pot 3, 1310 RIBNICA
01 8369 340
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • There are no entry conditions.

Providers and folder review dates

Območna obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Ribnica
Vrvarska pot 3, 1310 RIBNICA
01 8369 340
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

There are no entry conditions.

Providers and folder review dates

Območna obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Ribnica
Vrvarska pot 3, 1310 RIBNICA
01 8369 340
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

There are no entry conditions.

Providers and folder review dates

Območna obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Ribnica
Vrvarska pot 3, 1310 RIBNICA
01 8369 340
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • There are no entry conditions.

Providers and folder review dates

Območna obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Ribnica
Vrvarska pot 3, 1310 RIBNICA
01 8369 340
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.