Special entry conditions
- There are no special conditions.
Providers and folder review dates
Tehniški šolski center Maribor
Zolajeva ulica 12, 2000 MARIBOR
T 02 229 57 56 Portfolio overview: 8.4.2025 14h, 11.11.2025 14h
Zolajeva ulica 12, 2000 MARIBOR
T 02 229 57 56 Portfolio overview: 8.4.2025 14h, 11.11.2025 14h
The date of the examination is the date on which the commission reviews the personal collection folders of candidates. If you decide to obtain an NVQ, we suggest that you call the provider as soon as possible, inquire about your options, and apply to the process for obtaining the certificate (fill in and submit the Application for obtaining an NVQ with the help of the provider).