Special entry conditions

  • General secondary education or secondary technical education in any field,
  • Rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • Passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • Passed medical examination,
  • Completed training for NCOs of the Slovenian Armed Forces – air defence,
  • Functional military training for specific duties in air defence.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • General secondary education or secondary technical education in any field,
  • completed basic military training for infantry duties and functional military training for specific duties in air defence,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Secondary technical education in the mechanical engineering or electrical engineering field,
  • completed NCOs school – aviation,
  • relevant technical training at an organisation that provides training for aircraft technical personnel under implementing regulation 2042/2003, Annex IV, DEL-147,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed general medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Secondary technical education in the mechanical engineering or electrical engineering field,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • completed NCOs school – aviation,
  • completed airman technician training,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed general medical examination,
  • passed medical examination for aviation personnel (criterion II),
  • type certificate for aircraft,
  • under 35 years old.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • General secondary education or secondary technical education in any field,
  • completed training for NCOs of the Slovenian Armed Forces – airspace control,
  • completed training for work with the TASOC–OSN system,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • completed training in the use of Frequentis–GP and VHF/HF communications devices,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed general medical examination,
  • completed training for work with the TAC–90 system.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • General secondary education or secondary technical education in any field,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination,
  • TASOC-OSN system licence obtained,
  • FREQUENTIS-GP system licence obtained.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • General secondary education or secondary technical education in an engineering field,
  • completed training for NCOs of the Slovenian Armed Forces – armoured unit,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Secondary vocational education in any field,
  • completed basic military training for armoured vehicle drivers,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination,
  • driving licence (category B).

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • A secondary vocational qualification in a technical field,
  • completed basic military training for duties in armoured units and functional military training for armoured unit operators,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • General secondary education or secondary technical education in any field,
  • completed training for NCOs of the Slovenian Armed Forces – artillery branch,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Secondary vocational education in any field,
  • completed basic military training for artillery duties or functional military training for specific duties,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • General secondary education or secondary technical education in any field,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • completed training for NCOs of the Slovenian Armed Forces – CBRND,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Secondary vocational education in any field,
  • completed basic military training for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defence duties (CBRND),
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • General secondary education or secondary technical education in a chemistry or laboratory field,
  • completed basic military training for CBRND duties and functional military training for specialist CBRND laboratory assistant,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Secondary vocational education in any field;
  • completed basic military training for engineering duties or functional military training for specific duties;
  • completed course for work with chainsaw and motorised drill/borer;
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004;
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test);
  • passed medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Secondary vocational education in any field,
  • completed basic military training for engineering duties and functional military training for specific duties,
  • completed course for work with chainsaw and motorised drill/borer,
  • completed heavy construction plant operation course or category C and E driving licence,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination,
  • secondary technical education, telecommunications or electrical engineering field,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • completed training for NCOs of the Slovenian Armed Forces – communications.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination,
  • secondary technical education, telecommunications or electrical engineering field,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • completed basic military training for the duties of a specialised communications soldier.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • General secondary education or secondary technical education in any field,
  • completed training for NCOs of the Slovenian Armed Forces – engineering branch,
  • completed course for work with chainsaw and motorised drill/borer,
  • completed heavy construction plant operation course or category C and E driving licence,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • General secondary education or secondary technical education in any field,
  • completed training for NCOs of the Slovenian Armed Forces – infantry,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Secondary vocational education in any field,
  • completed basic military training for infantry duties or functional military training for specific duties,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Secondary school of nursing, a completed traineeship and a passed professional examination in the field of nursing care,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ,
  • completed training for NCOs of the Slovenian Armed Forces – any branch,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Secondary vocational education in any field,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination,
  • completed BMPT – medical orderly.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Secondary vocational education in any field,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination,
  • driving licence (category B and C),
  • completed BMPT – driver.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • General secondary or secondary technical education,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination,
  • confirmation that the candidate has not been convicted by a binding judgment of an intentional criminal offence for which a prosecution may be brought ex officio, has not been convicted of any other criminal offence and is not undergoing disciplinary proceedings for a serious
  • breach of military discipline.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • General secondary or secondary technical education,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination,
  • confirmation that the candidate has not been convicted by a binding judgment of an intentional criminal offence for which a prosecution may be brought ex officio, has not been convicted of any other criminal offence and is not undergoing disciplinary proceedings for a serious
  • breach of military discipline,
  • driving licence (category B),
  • infantry soldier NVQ,
  • completed basic or functional training for military police.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Secondary technical education in the transport field,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ,
  • completed training for NCOs of the Slovenian Armed Forces – logistics.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • General secondary education or secondary technical education in any field,
  • completed training for NCOs of the Slovenian Armed Forces – any branch,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed general medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Passed ship’s diver test,
  • secondary vocational education in any field,
  • basic military professional training (BMPT) for divers,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed general medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Passed ship’s diver test,
  • general secondary education or secondary technical education in any field,
  • completed training for NCOs of the Slovenian Armed Forces – any branch,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed general medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • General secondary education or secondary technical education in any field,
  • radar operator’s licence,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination,
  • technical personnel licence obtained from URSCL (the national civil aviation authority).

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • A secondary technical qualification in an engineering or electrical engineering field,
  • completed training for NCOs of the Slovenian Armed Forces – airspace control,
  • completed training for work with radar systems,
  • completed training for acquisition of the flight control technical personnel licence,
  • completed training in the use of VHF/HF communications devices,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed general medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Secondary vocational education in any field,
  • completed basic military training with the Slovenian Armed Forces or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Secondary vocational education in any field,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed general medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Secondary vocational education in any field,
  • completed training for members of special forces,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Secondary technical education in any field,
  • completed training for NCOs of the Slovenian armed services and training for members of special forces,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • General secondary education or secondary technical education in any field,
  • completed basic military training for CBRND duties and functional military training for specialist CBRND scouts/observers,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Secondary vocational education in any field,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • completed basic military training for artillery duties and functional military training for specialist artillery computer operators,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Secondary vocational education in any field,
  • completed basic military training for artillery duties and functional military training for specialist meteorologists,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Secondary vocational education in any field,
  • completed basic military training for artillery duties and functional military training for specialist scouts/artillery observers,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Secondary vocational education in any field,
  • completed basic military training for artillery duties and functional military training for specialist topographers,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • General secondary education or a secondary qualification in the economics or commercial field,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ,
  • completed training for NCOs of the Slovenian Armed Forces – supply branch,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Secondary vocational education in a retail, economics or commercial field,
  • completed BMPT – supply branch personnel or functional training for supply branch personnel,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination,
  • driving licence (category B and C).

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Secondary technical school – veterinary technician programme, livestock veterinary technician programme or medical technician programme,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ,
  • completed training for NCOs of the Slovenian Armed Forces – any branch,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.

Special entry conditions

  • Secondary vocational education in any field,
  • rifleman/woman NVQ or military service completed before 2004,
  • passed physical fitness test (Cooper test),
  • passed medical examination,
  • completed BMPT – veterinary orderly.

Providers and folder review dates

Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Generalštab slovenske vojske, Združeni sektor za kadre
Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 471 22 11
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.