Peter wants to know how someone can become a member of the NVQ commission in the first place.

An individual who wishes to apply to become a member of an NVQ Commission must first meet the staffing conditions regarding the relevant education and work experience in the field of the NVQ which he/she wishes to verify and validate. Only the best experts are selected from the applicants who meet the staffing requirements for members of the commission.

They must then be properly trained for the work of a member of the commission. The NVQ is based on the identification and recognition of work experience and previously acquired knowledge. The prospective member of the committee must first be trained in the application of important criteria for an accurate and objective evaluation of the evidence of a candidate’s skills, and must also be trained in a professional and respectful attitude towards the candidate in cases where he/she has to examine him/her directly in person.

After completing the training as a member of the commission and successfully passing the examination, they are eventually approved by state institutions and thus become official members of NVQ commissions, obtaining a licence to verify and vaidate the NVQ for which they have applied. The work of commission members is closely monitored by various state institutions that supervise their work, ensure their regular training, guarantee the quality of their work, and protect the confidence of candidates in the NVQ system.

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