Many individuals possess a lot of knowledge that has been acquired through work experience and non-formal learning. It is important for our society to ‘dig up’ this ‘hidden’ knowledge, which is a great treasure, and identify and validate it in order to promote our professional and personal development, as well to increase the motivation, quality, and professionalism of all employees. This is the purpose of the NVQ system.
The main tool for validating our knowledge is our portfolio, in which we can compile various supporting documents that demonstrate our professional competences, regardless of the way and environment in which this competence was acquired.
An NVQ may be acquired by a person who is at least 18 years of age. In exceptional circumstances, an NVQ may also be acquired by a person who is not yet 18 years of age if their status as an apprentice or student has ceased, and they are able to demonstrate that they have achieved the skills set out in the NVQ catalogue.
Before enrolling in the NVQ verification and validation process, we must meet the entry conditions set out in the catalogue for the desired NVQ.