Pre-school child care provider
NVQ catalog, code 6118611011
Name of qualification | Varuh/varuhinja predšolskih otrokAdd to comparison [1] |
Translated title (no legal status) | Pre-school child care provider |
Type of qualification | Nacionalna poklicna kvalifikacija, SOK raven 5 |
Category of qualification | Poklicna kvalifikacija |
Admission requirements |
ISCED field | Zdravstvo in socialna varnost |
ISCED subfield | |
Qualification level | SQF 5 |
Learning outcomes
Kandidat/kandidatka je zmožen/zmožna:
- načrtovati, pripraviti, izvesti in evalvirati lastno delo;
- delovati skladno z otrokovimi pravicami;
- zagotavljati varno, spodbudno in privlačno okolje za otroka;
- zagotavljati ter otroka navajati na samostojno hranjenje, oblačenje, previjanje in umivanje, uporabo stranišča in osebno higieno ter počitek;
- varovati zdravje otroka in ukrepati ob pojavih bolezenskih znakov in v nepričakovanih situacijah;
- ščititi otroka pred zlorabami in prepoznati znake možne zlorabe;
- spodbujati otrokov celostni razvoj: kognitivni (spoznavni), socialno-emocionalni in gibalni razvoj;
- otroku s posebnimi potrebami nuditi prilagojeno nego in varstvo ter podporo pri osebnem razvoju;
- spremljati in evalvirati kakovost lastnega dela ter skrbeti za lasten strokovni razvoj na področju varstva predšolskih otrok;
- komunicirati in sodelovati s starši oz. z otrokovo družino, s sodelavci in strokovnjaki z drugih področij;
- voditi administrativne procese v zvezi z delom ter varno in kritično uporabljati sodobno informacijsko tehnologijo;
- zagotavljati vzdrževanje prostorov, opreme in delovnih sredstev ter varovati lastno zdravje, varnost in okolje.
The candidate is able to:
plan, prepare, carry out and evaluate their own work;
act in accordance with the rights of the child;
to provide a safe, stimulating and attractive environment for the child;
provide and accustom the child to self-feeding, dressing, changing and washing, using the toilet and personal hygiene and rest;
protect the child's health and take action in the event of signs of illness and in unexpected situations;
protect the child from abuse and identify signs of possible abuse;
to promote children's holistic development: cognitive (cognitive), socio-emotional and motor development;
to provide the child with special needs with adapted care and protection and support in personal development;
monitor and evaluate the quality of their own work and take care of their own professional development in the field of care for preschool children;
communicate and cooperate with parents or with the child's family, colleagues and experts in other fields;
lead administrative processes related to work and safe and critical use of modern information technology;
ensure the maintenance of premises, equipment and work equipment and protect their own health, safety and the environment.
Verification and assessment are carried out by committees for the verification and validation of national vocational qualifications, appointed by the National Examination Centre (NEC). Committee members must be licensed by the National Examination Centre. Licences may be found here [2].
Assessment and completion
During the guidance process the candidate prepares a portfolio, which is assessed by a committee. If the portfolio submitted by the candidate contains authentic, valid and adequate proof of the knowledge, skills and competences defined in the occupational standard, the committee may:
- validate the contents of the occupational standard in full,
- validate the contents of the occupational standard in part and define the knowledge, skills and competence to be verified,
- refuse to validate any of the contents of the occupational standard because the candidate has not provided proof of any of the knowledge, skills and competences defined in the occupational standard, in which case it will verify the occupational standard in full.
Practical verification with an oral presentation.
Preparation and defense of a professional assignment prepared by the candidate after the selection of the commission and practical examination with oral defense. Guidelines for the preparation of professional assignments are in point 11 of this catalog.
Condition for obtaining certificate
Candidates demonstrate attainment of the knowledge, skills and competences defined in the catalogue of standards of vocational knowledge and skills.
Awarding body
Providers of procedures for identifying and validating national vocational qualifications are entered in a register of providers maintained in the relevant collection of the National Reference Point for Occupational Qualifications. Providers include: vocational schools, companies, inter-company training centres, adult education centres and chambers of commerce.