Special entry conditions

Knowledge of anatomy and physiology, hygiene, health education and communication, as specified in verified technical secondary school programmes in the field of healthcare, cosmetics, pharmacy and sports, that is shown by a certificate proving the passed knowledge test and issued by a institution that implements verified programmes

Providers and folder review dates

Zavod za izobraževanje in razvoj AI - Akademija za kozmetična izobraževanja
Cesta na Brdo 69, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 252 81 61, 051 380 453
Portfolio overview: 24.2.2025 15h
Higeja d.o.o.
Ptujska 19, 1000 LJUBLJANA
031 335 724
Portfolio overview: 10.4.2025 15h
Javni zavod Cene Štupar-Center za izobraževanje Ljubljana
Ulica Ambrožiča Novljana 5, 1000 LJUBLJANA
01 23 44 402
Inquire about deadlines
Srednja zdravstvena in kozmetična šola Maribor
Trg Miloša Zidanška 3, 2000 MARIBOR
02 33 12 870
Inquire about deadlines

If there is no specified date next to the provider, they have not yet scheduled any deadlines for obtaining an NVQ. We suggest that you call the provider and inquire about new dates.