Name of qualification Izdelovalec/izdelovalka plastičnih kompozitnih izdelkovAdd to comparison [1]
Translated title (no legal status) Plastic composite product manufacturer
Type of qualification Nacionalna poklicna kvalifikacija, SOK raven 4
Category of qualification Poklicna kvalifikacija
Admission requirements
  • Completed basic school, and
  • 6 moths of experience in manufacturing composite products (on one of the below-mentioned materials: polyester, vinyl-ester, epoxy, acrylic resins reinforced with glass, carbon, aramid and similar fibres) or three years of experience doing work that requires good manual skill, supported by authentic documents (letters of reference, reports on work performed signed by a responsible person, contracts, proof of student part-time work, etc..) that clearly indicate for how long the candidate has been doing such work within a certain calendar time period, and the purpose of that work, or three own products that display the skills (manual production of items made of various materials), further proven with authentic video footage of the work.

ISCED field Field
Tehnika, proizvodne tehnologije in gradbeništvo
ISCED subfield subfield lesarska, papirniška, plastična, steklarska in podobna tehnologija
Qualification level


Learning outcomes

The candidates:

  • Receive, check and understand the technical documentation and in accordance with it plan their work daily, one phase of work at the time;
  • Guarantee quality and compliance with quantitative norms of products manufactured on a daily basis, taking into account the regulations, the principles of rational use of energy, time and materials, as well as good business practices;
  • Work in a way that does not put others or themselves in jeopardy (use of protective work tools and equipment) in their working environment not polluting the environment in the process, adapting the activities accordingly to their work tasks;
  • In communicating with various stakeholders met in the course of the work, they abide by business ethics and corporate values;
  • Prepare and sort fabrics, binders and other materials;
  • Collect and prepare data, and basic and ancillary materials to manufacture composites.
  • Manufacture work devices by using technical documentation;
  • Manufacture independently composite elements, assemblies, semi-finished and finished products;
  • Cut and join/bond composite elements;
  • Perform surface processing of composite elements, assemblies, semi-finished and finished products.


Verification and assessment are carried out by committees for the verification and validation of national vocational qualifications, appointed by the National Examination Centre (NEC). Committee members must be licensed by the National Examination Centre. Licences may be found here [2].

Assessment and completion

Assessment methods

In practical work assignment, the candidate proves inside a workshop or simulated situation that he/she masters the professional competences required by the professional standards and technical documentation. Alongside the written version of the assignment, the candidate will also defend this assignment.

Condition for obtaining certificate

Candidates demonstrate attainment of the knowledge, skills and competences defined in the catalogue of standards of vocational knowledge and skills.

Awarding body

Providers of procedures for identifying and validating NVQs are entered in a register of providers maintained in the collection of the national information centre for vocational qualifications. These are: vocational schools, businesses, B2B training centres, adult education centres and chambers of commerce.