Name of qualification Delovni potapljač/delovna potapljačicaAdd to comparison [1]
Translated title (no legal status) Professional diver
Type of qualification Nacionalna poklicna kvalifikacija, SOK raven 5
Category of qualification Poklicna kvalifikacija
Admission requirements
  • Education at least at SQF level 4 in the field of construction or electrical engineering or mechanical engineering or in the field of technological professions or geotechnology, or
  • at least three years of work experience in the field of construction or electrical engineering or mechanical engineering or technological professions or geotechnology, thus demonstrating the competences of the profession and proving them with a work contract or report on work performed with the client's reference or employer's certificate or reference on the completed project is to submit several different certificates, which together demonstrate three years of work experience) and
  • at least 200 hours of diving in the last two years, as evidenced by a certified diving log (log book) and
  • a valid certificate of competence for first aid with oxygen and
  • certificate of competency for the use of diving equipment for work diving.
ISCED field Field
Tehnika, proizvodne tehnologije in gradbeništvo
ISCED subfield subfield gradbeništvo
Qualification level


Learning outcomes

The candidate is able to:

  • take over, review and understand the technical documentation (including the safety plan) and plan its work and / or work teams accordingly, in terms of time and work phases,
  • analyze the characteristics of the underwater terrain and site, record the specifics and, taking into account the environmental impacts, prepare an implementation plan for the dive and the planned works,
  • record the necessary equipment, materials, tools and machines for the implementation of the planned underwater works and use them,
  • perform underwater inspection of the terrain and the condition of underwater work sites, general underwater construction, mechanical and other technical works, using personal protective equipment for underwater work, various tools, machines and materials,
  • Underwater work shall be carried out in accordance with the diving protocol defined by the European Diving Technology Committee Guidance On Safe Working Practices In Commercial Diving (hereinafter: EDTC guidelines),
  • use an autonomous diving apparatus and a surface gas supply system from the surface, a full-face diving mask and electronic communication equipment for underwater verbal communication,
  • prepare records and reports on the work performed, keep a log of dives, keep various records, prepare technical reports and prepare an analysis of the dive and a report on the work performed, and ensure the quality of one's own work,
  • communicate with participants in the work process and master underwater communication (sign, rope and verbal with an electronic device)
  • prepare estimates of own labor costs based on knowledge of standards for simple construction, mechanical and other technical works and services
  • carry out work in such a way that it does not endanger itself or other people in its work environment, by implementing measures to reduce the negative impact on the environment and accordingly adapt its work to the planned tasks


Verification and assessment are carried out by committees for the verification and validation of national vocational qualifications, appointed by the National Examination Centre (NEC). Committee members must be licensed by the National Examination Centre. Licences may be found here [2].

Assessment and completion


During the guidance process the candidate prepares a portfolio, which is assessed by a committee. If the portfolio submitted by the candidate contains authentic, valid and adequate proof of the knowledge, skills and competences defined in the occupational standard, the committee may:

  • validate the contents of the occupational standard in full,
  • validate the contents of the occupational standard in part and define the knowledge, skills and competence to be verified,
  • refuse to validate any of the contents of the occupational standard because the candidate has not provided proof of any of the knowledge, skills and competences defined in the occupational standard, in which case it will verify the occupational standard in full.


Practical verification with an oral presentation.

Condition for obtaining certificate

Candidates demonstrate attainment of the knowledge, skills and competences defined in the catalogue of standards of vocational knowledge and skills.

Awarding body

Providers of procedures for identifying and validating NVQs are entered in a register of providers maintained in the collection of the national information centre for vocational qualifications. These are: vocational schools, businesses, B2B training centres, adult education centres and chambers of commerce.